Rallarvegen Helicopter accident

Stay Safe

Biking in Flåm (and Norway in general) is spectacular! Big views, big hills, unfortunately comes with bigger risk.

Please read our tips below to keep safe while riding with us in Flåm.

What side of the road should I ride on?

In Norway we drive cars on the right side of the road. Bikes should also be on the same side.

Is there a lot of traffic on the roads?

It all depends where you ride. On the road going up the Valley (towards Flåm Old Church, Vatnahalsen etc) its not a lot, and the speed limit is low.

On the E16 towards Aurland/Stegastein there is a bikepath for the first 4km without traffic and then and no biking path for the last 2km. This part has a lot of trucks and traffic so our recommendation is not to ride all the way to Aurland. Its not illegal to ride there, just not recommended.

What side of the handlebar has which brake?

Left side is the front brake (use with caution) and right side is the back brakes. All our rental bikes have hydraulic disc brakes (also kids bikes) to be sure they are easy to use during the steep downhills.

There is rain in the forecast, can I still ride?

Yes! The Norwegian fjords have unstable weather, so be prepared for rainy days as well. The roads are fully ridable in the rain, but we advice to add extra time and walk on places where it could be slippery. Especially wooden bridges and railway crossings tend to be slippery.

What happens if I have an emergency?

The emergency number in Norway is 112. You do not need any prefix. The closest hospital is in Lærdal.

Do I need a helmet?

Yes! Its not mandatory, but we STRONGLY recommend using one. Either bring your own or borrow one free of charge from us if you rent a bike.

Are there a lot of steep sections?

It depends where your ride. In the towncentre its flat, but if you take the train to Vatnahalsen or Myrdal and ride back again its a steep decent. We advice to add extra time to walk parts of the route if you are not comfortable.

How do I navigate without looking on my phone/map?

We strongly advice you to look at the road rather than on your phone or a map. Navigating in Flåm is fairly easy as its one valley going up towards Vatnahalsen, and going out following the fjord to Otternes/Aurland. So no need to be navigating all the time. Dont forget to enjoy the view while riding, and not only the photos when you come home!

Can I ride a bike after drinking alcohol?

The alcohol limit in Norway for biking on public roads is 0.02%. So even one beer is over the limit. So no, its not allowed to ride under the influence of alcohol, drugs or heavy medication.

To sum it up. Ride as carefully as you can, walk where you are not comfortable biking, watch for traffic, wear a helmet and enjoy your ride in Flåm!

And if you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out!